Friday, March 18, 2011

Three Horseshoe Pub

I recently got an email from Dawn with some information about another Pub that we might be visiting while we are there. Dawn is my go to gal for information on Haunted locations of Norwich and its surrounding areas as well as the general sites of the area. So she sends me information about sites so that I can share them with all of you. I am really looking forward to our visit there. It so beautiful and steeped in history. I know I have been writing alot about Ireland, but make no mistake about it I am equally excited about our visit to Norwich! The things that Dawn has told me have be chomping at the bit to get there and do some exploring!!  So let me get on with tell you about Three Horseshoes Pub!!

Three Horseshoes Pub

The Three Horseshoes Pub is an 18th Century thatched Inn in the Village of Scottow. It has always been known amongst the locals as a pub which strange things happens. The main "Presence" has been nicknamed "George"  over the years. Some say he was a stockman who was killed in the barn, others say he was a soldier from the Second World War. "George" is known to haunt both the main pub and the barn. He seems to lurk around one of the fireplace's in the bar. Many of the past landlords have testified to things going missing or appearing in strange places ( crates of bottles which appear in the middle of doorways, etc). The current landlords have a dog who will often walk down to the end of the room and bark at the fireplace!

In fact, both fireplaces in the main bar have something rather spooky about them. At the opposite end, the large inglenook fireplace was lined some years ago, and during the work various small shelves were found up inside the chimney on which were found several pairs of very small shoes- too small to be children's, but very detailed. No one seems to be sure why they had been placed there and they have been left in their original position.

The main door in the pub often bolts itself - despite the fact that it is both heavy and very stiff! Movement in the cellar is not uncommon either. Heavy banging is often heard between the walls coming from the empty cellar, and a bottle of cognac ejected its cork with some force not so long ago...

Many people have heard heavy, distinctive footsteps in the Barn. The steps happen most frequently in the bar area, but can also be heard at the end of the room where the raised stage is. In fact at a recent party the DJ got so frightened at one point that he had to leave the stage! He was convinced that some one was sitting in the corner watching him! One time during a band rehearsal a local bands lead singer started talking to what he thought was a band member standing behind him, he held a whole conversation then turned to ask why he wasn't getting an answer only to discover that he was alone in the room the whole time!! He also stated he was followed by footsteps the entire length of the barn, sounding as if they were just a few inches behind him and wearing very heavy boots.

A very short stroll away from the Pub is the end of the runway at  RAF (Royal Air Force) Coltishall. This has it's own ghost which is spotted very frequently by both villagers and plane spotters - he is a RAF pilot who was killed during the War and walks across the end of the runway. The main problem is he has no legs!!

Many people have mentioned "feeling" something when they walk in - sometimes a definite feeling, other times just a  "Hairs on the back of your neck" moment. Most people, however are unanimous in the feeling that the ghosts are all friends and not menacing or frightening in any way.

Sounds pretty fascinating doesn't it????? I am telling ya I cant wait to get there and explore all these places! As I have said before I am planning on taking lots of pictures and i will be taking my digital voice recorder in hopes of capturing some EVPs.  Maybe I will get lucky and have something to share with you all!

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