Monday, September 19, 2022


As women we walk through life struggling with our identity,  who we are we? who do we want to be? Are we pretty enough? Skinny enough? smart enough?  Are we good enough? Do we live up to the image we think others see? We beat ourselves up and continue to underestimate our self worth.  As women we have 3 distinct stages in our lives. The Maid, where we are young and struggling to find our place in the world. Much like a newborn fawn struggling to stand. Looking at the world through fresh eyes in awe of all its wonder. Just trying to find our way. Then there is the Mother, when we bring life into the world. When we become the nurturer, the healer. And our final stage, Crone. The teacher, the wise one. This is when we have the wisdom of a life fully lived. There are lessons we have learned..Some of them the hard way. It is our responsibility to bestow our knowledge on our future generations the wisdom we have learned.  Through all of stages we have struggled and stumbled. We have fallen time and time again each time standing back up, dusting ourselves off and trying again. It is at this stage in our life that we finally realize that we are enough. We always have been. That the love we have always yearned for was the love of self.  That we are enough. We always have been. We...are….enough!

Written 2020

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