Tuesday, February 22, 2011


OK Kiddies, here's another history lesson for you! But this time I am gonna put a different spin on it. For you see, here I am talking all about Ireland and where we are going and what we will do, That I am leaving out another very important part of our journey. So, before I give you your next history lesson. Let me tell you a story about how two strangers from different sides of the world met and became best friends! I will try and give you the condensed version!

You see approximately 4 yrs ago when I had a myspace page i was just doing a search to see who else out there had the same interest as I did. Not necessarily looking to talk to that person, just merely checking out profiles. Well, I came across this profile of a lady who's screen name was Aurora and she lived in Norwich England. Now here comes the hard part to explain, something in me just told me to send her a message. There was just this feeling that came over me, a feeling of familiarity, I don't know how else to explain it. Long story short she responded, we began talking back and forth, after a while we became pen pals writing letters back and forth. Eventually we began talking on the telephone and we both realized that we just had this connection that again felt familiar, like we had known each other forever. So that is when we started to call each other "Sister Across the Sea" or SAS for short. So when Dan and I decided to go to Ireland, I knew that I had to go to Norwich and see Dawn (oops sorry forgot to mention that her real name is Dawn! ) So when we fly into London Dan and I will then take a train to Norwich and spend the next week with Dawn and her husband Daryl and their daughter Sabrina.  I am really looking forward to seeing her face to face. I have spoke with her several times regarding our trip and she has lots of places she wants to take us while we are there in Norwich. Norwich has quite a deep history.  And I am really looking forward to seeing some of the beautiful sights! There is even a few Haunted locations she plans to show me! And if you know me, you know how much I chomping at the bit to get there and do that!

So now, let me get on to your history lesson! Today's lesson is on The Adam and Eves Pub in Norwich. So I hope you enjoy this lesson. And there will be a pop quiz next week. LOL

Adam and Eve Pub:

Its believed that this pub goes back to 1249 when an army of stonemasons working on the Norwich Cathedral needed a place to eat and drink during construction. It seems that in Saxon times there was a well beneath what is now the lower bar, the oldest part of the pub. Monks from the Great Hospital , just down the road, were the first owners. They were known as great brewers, for medicinal purposes of course. In those days before they had drinks like tea and coffee, water being home to harmful bacteria was often too dangerous to drink. So people drank diluted "small" beer for their health-- particularly children. It was the monks who added living accommodations.
In 1578, during Queen Elizabeth I's grand visit to Norfolk, she passed by the pub during a procession to a torch-lit pageant on the river- its not recorded if she popped in for a pint. Since those days the Adam and Eve has been home to an assortment of characters; from monks to smugglers, from cathedral choristers to notorious murderer or two. It even has two recorded ghosts!

What about the ghosts you ask? Well the ghost of one of the medieval french speaking monks supposedly buried beneath the floorboards in the downstairs bar has been glimpsed. Far more famous is "Sam". This apparently friendly ghost is said to be the Lord Sheffield. In 1549 Norwich erupted into violence when Wymondham landowner Robert Kett's rebels stormed the city. the fighting raged from the Bishops Bridge into Norwich, where Sheffield an officer in the Royal Army, was mortally wounded. His men carried him into the Adam and Eve, where he died. Regulars to this day claim he occasionally makes off with a coat or scarf--which is usually returned the next day, or he taps you on the shoulder. Either way, there's no cause for alarm. Today the pub is the starting and finishing point for the popular city ghost walk.

Well kiddies, That is today's lesson. I hope that you enjoyed it!  Do check back for your next lesson. For I am not sure what, who or where it will be about yet! Please feel free to leave me a comment or two and let me know if you are enjoying my tid bits of information :-)

Until Next time........

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