Tuesday, September 20, 2022

May You Know


May tonight's dreams be tomorrows reality.

May you know enough pain to keep you humble.

May your days be filled with joy and laughter.

May you know a love so strong 

it marks your very soul.

May you know the value of a true friend. 

And never feel the sting of betrayal.

May you meet each day with a smile on your face,

and just enough mischief in your eye to 

eye to keep em guessing!

My Raven Queen

Morrigan, my Goddess hear my plea, 

 My Soul is in great need of thee.

Morrigan, Morrigan please watch over me,

 All my trust I place in thee.

Morrigan, My Raven Queen cast out these shadows that are plaguing me. 

May your warriors wrath turn away all disquieted 

spirits seeking to disrupt my way. 

Fell all entities that seek to attach to me.

My Raven Queen I  beg of thee, Protect me under your cloak of feathers

 and aid me to strengthen my own shield. 

Walk beside me always, 

lending me strength along the way.

I place my trust in the My Raven Queen, 

May you always watch over me.

Morrigan, Morrigan light my way. 

With undying love and faith

 I follow thee.

Monday, September 19, 2022


As women we walk through life struggling with our identity,  who we are we? who do we want to be? Are we pretty enough? Skinny enough? smart enough?  Are we good enough? Do we live up to the image we think others see? We beat ourselves up and continue to underestimate our self worth.  As women we have 3 distinct stages in our lives. The Maid, where we are young and struggling to find our place in the world. Much like a newborn fawn struggling to stand. Looking at the world through fresh eyes in awe of all its wonder. Just trying to find our way. Then there is the Mother, when we bring life into the world. When we become the nurturer, the healer. And our final stage, Crone. The teacher, the wise one. This is when we have the wisdom of a life fully lived. There are lessons we have learned..Some of them the hard way. It is our responsibility to bestow our knowledge on our future generations the wisdom we have learned.  Through all of stages we have struggled and stumbled. We have fallen time and time again each time standing back up, dusting ourselves off and trying again. It is at this stage in our life that we finally realize that we are enough. We always have been. That the love we have always yearned for was the love of self.  That we are enough. We always have been. We...are….enough!

Written 2020


The darkness comes thick and heavy as it covers me like a shroud. Blocking out even the smallest ray of light. I hear the demons as they taunt, beckoning me to stay. I struggle, struggle to keep this painful painted on smile. To not let others see how lost I am. If they looked in my eyes would they see my pain? Would they see how hard I am fighting to keep it all together. How hard I am fighting to keep the demons at bay? My pain is real. My struggle is real. My darkness…..it is deep and it is real.

Written : 2020

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Never Left

I have been watching you struggle since I left this physical world.. I have come to remind you that I have

never truly left you.. The Bond we have is far too close for me to ever truly leave you!. I am always

with you. I know when you close your eyes you see my face smiling back at you.. please let that be the memory

you hold on too. Remember the years of laughter and love. for they far outweigh the rest.

And when you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, know that is my embrace.

And when the cool breeze brushes upon your cheek , know that is a kiss from me to you.

I know that some days the pain and emptiness seem to be more than your 

heart can take. But rest assured my loves I am still here with you.. My physical body has left,

but my spirit is always with you. I sit with you while cry for me. I hear you when you talk to me.

I know you hear me when I answer you., And you see the signs I leave for you.. I will see you soon.

But know there is still work for you to do here. There are things I left unfinished..

On those nights when the ache just seems too much walk out and look up to the night

sky, the brightest star in the night sky is me looking back at you..

 For you see..........I am here, I never left you.

I loving Memory of my niece Sabrina Dawn Mitchell June 8th 1989 - Feb 26th, 2022

A Friend to some, Loved by many, missed by all, 💜

I am the storm

  A warrior does not give up.  Her shoulders may bend under the weight of  her struggles. But she will dig her heels in, take a deep breath,...